๑۩๑ Selamat Merayakan Tahun Baru Hijriyah 1435 H, Tetap Perbanyak Shalawat kepada Manusia Terindah, Rasulillah Muhammad Ibni Abdillah ๑۩๑
Jumat, 22 Februari 2013

Poem for Mama

Give the world your love life
Your touch made
​​me grew
Your caresses her dim light illuminating
Your kiss it makes me sick healed

                        You are the heroes of the world
                        You are the lamp of the world
                        You are the teacher of the world
                        Who taught me to live and do good
                         And thou art an angel rescue me out every time

I want to reply to all services
But unable to get even with the property
Was just a prayer said
For my lord almighty one
So mom can live happily
In the world and one day in heaven
Aamiin ...

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